Design: King Wong and Larry Koo
Project: Natalie Chan
Visualizing the flow of data was part of the design objective when KOODESIGN created the product design for Privée, a private data security Kickstarter project. With its focus on secure messaging and personal data protection, KOODESIGN developed a concept around wave forms – the idea of radio waves, or wifi signals, rippling outwards in all directions. This also expresses a sense of movement and energy, with smooth outward flowing contours, spreading smoothly around the world.
Capturing the essence of what privacy and security should look and feel like was also important. When designing the form factor for Privée, KOODESIGN used not only the concept of wave forms, but also the idea of protection. As creators that design with a socially responsible mindset, who pay careful attention to the social impact of the products we create, we believe the product should express the thinking behind it. As a result the Privée private server hardware gives a sense of smoothness and durability – secure yet comfortable and personal.